Loj luv nqi Tuam Tshoj Pob Zeb Diamond Trapezoid Hlau Pem Teb Pads Abrasive Disc rau pob zeb Polishing sib tsoo

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

6 txoj hauj lwm qhov hlau trapezoid pob zeb diamond ncoo, kom haum rau Blastrac grinder lossis Diamatic grinder lossis ceev hloov sib tsoo tshuab daim hlau.Hlau bonded trapezoid pob zeb diamond pads tuaj yeem ua txhua yam grits thiab bonds rau txawv hardness ntawm pob zeb raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua.

  • Khoom siv:Hlau + pob zeb diamond
  • Grits:6 # - 400 #
  • Segment loj:40 * 10 * 10mm
  • Hlau lub cev hom:Trapezoid 3 qhov, 6 qhov lossis qhov sib nqus
  • Daim ntawv thov:Haum rau Blastrac grinder lossis Diamatic grinder lossis ceev hloov sib tsoo tshuab daim hlau.
  • Bonds:Ntshai heev, mos heev, mos, nruab nrab, nyuaj, nyuaj heev, nyuaj heev
  • Muaj peev xwm muab khoom:10,000 Daim Ib Hlis
  • Cov nqe lus them nqi:T / T, L / C, PayPal, Western Union, Trade Assurance, thiab lwm yam
  • Lub sij hawm xa tuaj:7-15 hnub raws li qhov ntau
  • Shipping txoj kev:Los ntawm Express (FeDex, DHL, UPS, TNT, thiab lwm yam), Los ntawm Cua, los ntawm hiav txwv
  • Product Detail

    Khoom cim npe

    Peb lub tuam txhab insists tag nrho raws li txoj cai zoo ntawm "cov khoom zoo yog lub hauv paus ntawm enterprise ciaj sia taus;kev ua tiav ntawm tus neeg yuav khoom yuav yog qhov taw qhia saib thiab xaus ntawm lub tuam txhab;persistent improvement is eternal pursuit of staff" and also the consistent purpose of "reputation very first, shopper first" for Big discounting Tuam Tshoj Pob Zeb Diamond Trapezoid Hlau Pem Teb Pads Abrasive Disc rau pob zeb polishing sib tsoo, Peb sov siab txais tos cov neeg siv khoom hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws xa tuaj rau peb, tam sim no peb muaj 24 teev ua haujlwm pab pawg!Txhua lub sijhawm nyob qhov twg peb tseem nyob ntawm no los ua koj tus khub.
    Peb lub tuam txhab insists tag nrho raws li txoj cai zoo ntawm "cov khoom zoo yog lub hauv paus ntawm enterprise ciaj sia taus;kev ua tiav ntawm tus neeg yuav khoom yuav yog qhov taw qhia saib thiab xaus ntawm lub tuam txhab;Kev txhim kho tsis tu ncua yog kev nrhiav neeg ua haujlwm mus ib txhis" thiab tseem yog lub hom phiaj zoo ib yam ntawm "lub koob npe nrov ua ntej, tus neeg yuav khoom ua ntej" rauTuam Tshoj Pob Zeb Pem Teb Abrasive cuab yeej, Pem Teb Polishing Disc, Trapezoidal Sib Tsoo Thaiv, Los ntawm kev ua raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "tib neeg taw qhia, yeej los ntawm kev ua tau zoo", peb lub tuam txhab zoo siab txais tos cov tub lag luam hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws tuaj xyuas peb, tham kev lag luam nrog peb thiab koom ua ke tsim lub neej yav tom ntej ci ntsa iab.

    Trapezoid Hlau daim ntawv cog lus pob zeb diamond cuab yeej pob zeb hauv pem teb sib tsoo pob zeb
    Khoom siv Hlau + pob zeb diamond
    Ntu Loj 2T * 10 * 10 * 40mm (Txhua ntu tuaj yeem ua raws)
    Grits 6 # - 400 #
    Bonds Nyuaj heev, Nyuaj, nruab nrab, mos, mos heev
    Hom Lub Cev Hlau 6 qhov rau Blastrac, 3 qhov rau Diamatic, txhua hom tuaj yeem ua raws
    Xim / Cim Raws li thov
    Kev siv Qib thiab Sib tsoo txhua yam pob zeb, terrazzo pem teb
    Nta 1. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws hlau pob zeb diamond ntu khau rau pob zeb hauv pem teb nrog zoo sib xws.
    2. Ua nruj heev thiab ua haujlwm zoo
    3. Txhawm rau zom cov pob zeb, pob zeb ntuj thiab terrazzo cov plag tsev kom ua tiav qhov chaw du, tsim kom muaj qhov tsis zoo.
    4. Peb kuj muab kev pabcuam customization kom ua tiav cov kev cai tshwj xeeb
    Peb qhov zoo dua 1. Raws li kev tsim khoom, Bontai tau tsim cov ntaub ntawv siab heev thiab tseem koom nrog hauv kev teeb tsa lub teb chaws cov qauv rau cov ntaub ntawv nyuaj nrog ntau tshaj 30 xyoo dhau los.
    2. BonTai tsis tsuas yog muaj peev xwm muab cov cuab yeej zoo, kuj tuaj yeem ua qhov kev tsim kho tshiab los daws cov teeb meem thaum sib tsoo thiab polishing ntawm ntau cov plag tsev.

    Ntau yam khoom

    Peb lub tuam txhab insists tag nrho raws li txoj cai zoo ntawm "cov khoom zoo yog lub hauv paus ntawm enterprise ciaj sia taus;kev ua tiav ntawm tus neeg yuav khoom yuav yog qhov taw qhia saib thiab xaus ntawm lub tuam txhab;persistent improvement is eternal pursuit of staff" and also the consistent purpose of "reputation very first, shopper first" for Big discounting Tuam Tshoj Pob Zeb Diamond Trapezoid Hlau Pem Teb Pads Abrasive Disc rau pob zeb polishing sib tsoo, Peb sov siab txais tos cov neeg siv khoom hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws xa tuaj rau peb, tam sim no peb muaj 24 teev ua haujlwm pab pawg!Txhua lub sijhawm nyob qhov twg peb tseem nyob ntawm no los ua koj tus khub.
    Kev txo nqi lojTuam Tshoj Pob Zeb Pem Teb Abrasive cuab yeej, Pem Teb Polishing Disc, Trapezoidal Sib Tsoo Thaiv.Los ntawm kev ua raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "tib neeg taw qhia, yeej los ntawm kev ua tau zoo", peb lub tuam txhab zoo siab txais tos cov tub lag luam hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws tuaj xyuas peb, tham kev lag luam nrog peb thiab koom ua ke tsim lub neej yav tom ntej zoo.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb